What is CRM? CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management. There are comprehensive tools available- chances are your email has been the seed in some CRM system at some point. Email Marketing is another term for this kind of approach.
CRM tools allow you to start from an email address and slowly add information to build a profile around this email like add a name, gender age etc...profiling the real person at the end and trying to sell them something.
Like it or not it's how things work. Profiling your customer is a tested marketing strategy.
Ok so you may be using one of these CRM tools to manage your leads turning them into customers but they can be daunting at first and you would want to integrate this into your regular workflow. Depending on the CRM tool you have then you might have some really powerful tools part of which could be managing and creation of attractive compelling email tools. What these do is manage the statistics of an email campaign also allow you to store the build of the email and ultimately send it out to your emails that you have been building up. For a small business we recommend making sure that you follow a minimum of steps to achieve a reasonable sucess rate.
- Don't send more than 1 email per week.
- Make the email compelling (really make the reader be compelled to open a link in the email)
- Make sure you provide very clear click unsubscribe options. This is about reputation protection. Show people you care about them.
- Clearly allow anyone (not just registered users) to subscribe to your emails.
- Allow registered members to re-subscribe to emails if they had removed themselves in the past.
- Recognise this is a more powerful niche medium to send information than the larger social networks. People following you on twitter COULD be very slightly interested in a tweet you made, they may not really be interested in buying into your services. They would never subscribe to your mailing list for this reason.
These are just a few things, we can discuss your individual needs. There are many good articles on this marketing discipline available for free online and it is not the point of this document to reveal them all.
What we want to do is empower you to be able to put these marketing principles into play for your business.
See below an example of an html email that has its links removed as an example of what you can send your potential customers weekly monthly etc.