
Web design | Digital Marketing | SEO | Campaign Management | Advertising | Social Media Marketing | PPC

How Do I Do a Website Audit?


What is a Website Audit 

A website audit is a comprehensive analysis and report of your website's design, content, and technical setup.

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1370 Hits

You Need These Tools to Effectively Launch Your Tour Operator Agency

become-a-travel-agent Become a Travel Agent

Do you want to get a head start over your competitors in the tour operator industry? Marketing strategies are ever-changing so to stay ahead of the pack you must use as many tools as you can to promote your business.

Fortunately, since we live in a digital age, it's easier for you as a tour operator agency to showcase your company online using tools designed for tour agencies. In this article, we've given you the top marketing tools you should use to launch your tour operator business. 

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5 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Image Source: Pexels

Today, effective digital marketing techniques quickly evolve, forcing most online companies to either adapt or collapse! Therefore, there's a constant need for you to reassess what works while avoiding certain digital marketing mistakes. 

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1647 Hits

Logo Design - 3 Skills That Will Take You to the Top in Logo Design

Symbol Logo Design Symbol Logo Design

Photo by Nadir Balcikli on Unsplash 

Whether you want to get into a logo design contest and win or simply get better at what you do, you need to be good at your craft. Logo design is not easy and it takes a lot of time, energy, and skill to be good at it.

In this article, we are going to look at 3 of the most underrated skills that will take you to the top in logo designing. We will also provide some tips on how you can improve on these skills. Read on! 

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1596 Hits

Good Advice Before Starting Your Own E-Commerce Online Shop

Open Your Own Shop Online Open Your Own Shop Online

I have run two different online stores now with two different platforms, not including Amazon, Ebay and Etsy which I run and also have got the bottom of those as well (though etsy less so). This article may get quite long as it evolves. But really you are going to get gold nuggets of information- dare I say value bombs! If you got something from it and you will if you are a budding entrepreneur. 

"Because it's frowned upon to be in a store with no bra, sweatpants and a glass of wine.."

Online Shopping, 2021
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3750 Hits

Joomla or Wordpress? As Your CMS

joomla-vs-wordpress Joomla Vs Wordpress

Who is article for? Web developers, webmasters or even tech-minded entrepreneurs can benefit from this article. In fact anyone considering using the platforms mentioned. You're faced with a difficult choice Joomla or Wordpress?

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1906 Hits

Facebook Page Graphic Creation | Social Media Graphic Design

ba-facebook-page-cover Facebook cover page design

Most business entities have a social media presence in the form of a page in Facebook. People are very comfortable with the platform and it is important to recognise the importance to having one.

The brand Best Antigua who run among other things  Antigua Airport Taxi Transfers like many simply had a photo they found handy at the time their page was created. It is with pleasure that we came up with a new design that would look good on the biggest highest resolution monitors and also the handy mobile phone.

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1761 Hits

Would A Lead Generation Service Work For My Business?


What is lead generation? If you are unsure of what lead generation is then enjoy this 1m primer. . 

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Scroll Animation Hooks And Stuff by GSAP

by Green Sock.GSAP has been around a good long time now and it has stayed the course. It is a JS library  (JS = Javascript) that allows you to do more complex animations more simply. Yes in theory you can do everything without it but this hampers creativity and then you also get maintainability issues with complicated code bases.

As animations in web have moved away from adobe flash (which was awesome by the way) JS and CSS (OK and HTML) was required to replace it. Of course the challenge was immense. Greensock who were in the space also during actionscript days understands the animator and workflow.

Here is a video which is great because it demonstrates what it is and also what it can do.

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2262 Hits

Pharmacy Advertising | A Facebook Advertising Case Study


We were approached to help a local pharmacy reach local customers during lockdown with free delivery and a general all round good service offering.

Having a good product is part of the key to success then next part is letting people know. Facebook is a great platform to advertise on for many situations. Here we  use it alongside a Facebook Page and the objective is to get people like and connect to the business in this case a Pharmacy.

We redid the graphics for the facebook page so that they would work and show best on mobile first and desktop second. Both would allow people to quickly know the contact number and showcase the brand. A professional look starts the potential customer off in the right mindset.

Trust is paramount.

After a couple of days the Pharmacy was busy with a minimum of Ad spend. Let's look at some of the figures. 

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2864 Hits

How to write the content on your website

business-writing business websites

You have taken the time to create a website for your business, and may have started marketing it using SEO and other digital marketing skills, but have you really considered what your website looks like to others?

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6822 Hits

3 marketing strategies to increase sales

analysis-seo SEO Analysis

If you have a company, in any field, you will be interested in knowing what the best marketing strategies are to increase visits to your website, and thus, sales. Before explaining the three strategies that we consider essential for your company, it is important to know what the data reflects. Therefore, the first thing you should do is use different tools that will let you measure the data that your website has generated up until now. Some of those tools are: MOZ, SimilarWeb or Google Analytics.

What is this for? The data gathered with these tools is key. It will inform you from where you are receiving the visits to your website (social networks, direct search, referrals, etc), it will indicate what is your target audience and its country of origin, and even the time that each person spends visiting your site and how many pages they read through. 

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How To Rank Your Content | Search Engine Success

If you have ever run a website, you would have heard the term SEO. You know that search engine optimization (or SEO for short) is a valuable process for getting more (and relevant) traffic to your site. But to get that hallowed top spot in search results, especially in Google can be something of a challenge.

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4103 Hits

Website speed issues | How to make a website faster

fast website? Are you happy with the speed of your website?

I am going to share some things in a video along with text on how a website is rendered to your screen and how speed is less related to the host than many people think. 

What are the principal causes of a slow website?

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2776 Hits

Things you should avoid while promoting your business on Facebook

facebook-marketing-fail Don't do a Facebook Marketing #FAIL

Are you a business owner who wants to promote his/her business on Facebook? Are you inquisitive about how Facebook can help you generate better revenue and increase sales? If your answer is yes, then here are the things that you need to absolutely avoid in order to make your promotional endeavours effective. 

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3134 Hits

Responsive Web Design | Beyond Media Queries

responsive web design Responsive Web Design

I wanted to blog this video as it has some really important tips and suggestions as to how to do responsive code with respect mostly to css and take some pressure off media queries. Also I like the fact that typography is taken well in hand and also a good look at SVG images. The ability to scale parts of an image (remember chopping up a rounded box graphic with corners so it scales but doesn't have grotesque scale corners?) 

Talk By Michael Riethmuller find him on twitter @MichaelRiethmuller

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2978 Hits

Need a website? DIY website | create your own website options and tips

diy-web-design DIY Web Design Tips

You must have seen the adverts (huge budgets), sites like WIX have been spending on advertising (mostly YOUTUBE) and have been tempted to create a WIX website, Regardless of the provider WIX, Squarespace, etc some things remain the same. And our experience of delivering websites will help you in creating your own.

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3120 Hits

Targeting an Audience on Linkedin

Targeting an Audience on LinkedIn

With LinkedIn, you're targeting a quality audience in a professional context. Market to influencers, decision makers, and executives who act on new opportunities.

Combine targeting criteria to build your ideal persona: IT decision makers, C-level executives, prospective students, small business owners, and more.

by Linkedin copywriters
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4721 Hits

Is SEO a full time Role? NO! Why are people hiring SEO's

recruit-seo Why hire an SEO?

I love sinusoidal motion. When I first learnt about it in science at school it made perfect sense to me about how things eb and flow. The peaks of a sine wave represent success and something positive but as we know nothing rests and then it dips down and reaches neutral.  If you have not reacted yet to the wave coming down it shall continue and then you panic. You reinvest and say you got it things start to improve and you bottom out and return to more profitable ways. The curve heads back up. It's not always a lack of good business acumen of course it often is more to do with capacity and scale and this is a rough representation. I see the fact that some companies are hiring full time SEO's as a big mistake. It makes no sense. I fear those are bottoming out and are reacting to some perceived need. Yes sales could be down due to a fall in your website position in google search and I agree with the need for SEO. I am disagreeing that it is a full time position.

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3314 Hits

Is SEO worth it?

is SEO worth it

I am often surprised that people think they should be able to get SEO on the cheap. Fiverr for example and their supplier promises to rank your website for $5 if you think that works, or are swayed by their reviews then let me tell you about my own experiments below. 

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2900 Hits

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