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Responsive Web Design | Beyond Media Queries

responsive web design Responsive Web Design

I wanted to blog this video as it has some really important tips and suggestions as to how to do responsive code with respect mostly to css and take some pressure off media queries. Also I like the fact that typography is taken well in hand and also a good look at SVG images. The ability to scale parts of an image (remember chopping up a rounded box graphic with corners so it scales but doesn't have grotesque scale corners?) 

Talk By Michael Riethmuller find him on twitter @MichaelRiethmuller

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SEO and Web Design as a Marketing Strategy


Using SEO and Web Design for Your Company's Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is now more important to business than ever, especially because a majority of consumers are avid Internet users. This makes online channels a useful tool in communicating with them and a website is a foundation for a wide range of digital marketing strategies

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I do love that minimalist design is coming back, less IS more and the image is taking us centre stage making us FEEL something.... Read More
Wednesday, 08 November 2017 19:57
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