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How Do I Do a Website Audit?


What is a Website Audit 

A website audit is a comprehensive analysis and report of your website's design, content, and technical setup.

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1240 Hits

How To Rank Your Content | Search Engine Success

If you have ever run a website, you would have heard the term SEO. You know that search engine optimization (or SEO for short) is a valuable process for getting more (and relevant) traffic to your site. But to get that hallowed top spot in search results, especially in Google can be something of a challenge.

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Is SEO a full time Role? NO! Why are people hiring SEO's

recruit-seo Why hire an SEO?

I love sinusoidal motion. When I first learnt about it in science at school it made perfect sense to me about how things eb and flow. The peaks of a sine wave represent success and something positive but as we know nothing rests and then it dips down and reaches neutral.  If you have not reacted yet to the wave coming down it shall continue and then you panic. You reinvest and say you got it things start to improve and you bottom out and return to more profitable ways. The curve heads back up. It's not always a lack of good business acumen of course it often is more to do with capacity and scale and this is a rough representation. I see the fact that some companies are hiring full time SEO's as a big mistake. It makes no sense. I fear those are bottoming out and are reacting to some perceived need. Yes sales could be down due to a fall in your website position in google search and I agree with the need for SEO. I am disagreeing that it is a full time position.

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3200 Hits

Is SEO worth it?

is SEO worth it

I am often surprised that people think they should be able to get SEO on the cheap. Fiverr for example and their supplier promises to rank your website for $5 if you think that works, or are swayed by their reviews then let me tell you about my own experiments below. 

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2831 Hits

Content Marketing

Turn Your Coffee Budget Into Clicks

The wider term content marketing is misleading as it can mean so many things you need to clear up the context quickly. For the purposes of what we do at Cambs Digital and this post Content Marketing is referring to advertising creative. Once thought to be the preserve of big brands now the florist around the corner can get a creative marketing campaign for the price of her coffee it seems. Well the Ad says so anyway.

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2874 Hits

SEO and Web Design as a Marketing Strategy


Using SEO and Web Design for Your Company's Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is now more important to business than ever, especially because a majority of consumers are avid Internet users. This makes online channels a useful tool in communicating with them and a website is a foundation for a wide range of digital marketing strategies

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I do love that minimalist design is coming back, less IS more and the image is taking us centre stage making us FEEL something.... Read More
Wednesday, 08 November 2017 19:57
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User Experience Signals

If you don't know what user experience signals are and you want to get good ranking then take a look at what Brian Dean and Larry Kim came up with. There are some serious suggestions here that it could be poor CTR that cause google to drop your site rank.

CTR's and User Experience Signals (UES) what are they ?

User Experience Signals is a metric that can now be accurately measured by at least google. For example from clicking on a search result how long did the user hang around on the page and the site that was linked to ? Did they BOUNCE that means leave right away - find out if you have some of these pages and eliminate them or improve them so people stop leaving. How to find them and fix them is in the article and infographic on User Experience Signals.

It is google finally able to be forcing the quality of websites on their search engines. Ask yourself how good have google search results been for me and did I stay with a decent dwel time ? If your site is not mobile friendly will this cause a low CTR ? It may well do and within google analytics you should be able to measure theses stat more effectively.

Graph from the infographic.
  3048 Hits
3048 Hits

Has My Website Been Hacked?

website HACKED?

You can be security conscious and still get hacked ! I was way back in the day. I can help you and give you some tips to move you forwards in getting back to a healthy website.

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3246 Hits

Robots Txt File Editing to Block Dynamic URL's

Robots Txt File Editing to Block Dynamic URL's

I am taking a closer look at Robots.txt today and found the need to block some dynamic urls that a site crawler found. This is a GREAT SEO TIP!

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This is a helpful url on robots.txt editing from the amazing STACKOVERFLOW website. Read More
Wednesday, 12 October 2016 14:03
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Content fatigue - I felt it myself but this blog post tells it..

Content fatigue - I felt it myself but this blog post tells it..

I'm not talking about mine but this blog post about that sea of bad content we all come face to face with in the industry and that search engines often protect you lot from...

Content overload is something you may have experienced on facebook, that friend we kind of want to stay following but that can't stop posting and I hope that facebook can allow a calmometer so that we see fewer posts from this person...

Already PPJ is prediting that facebook may have topped out (YAY) in terms of teen interest as the drama may have finally gotten to them or they simply got bored.

One of the key takaways for me was that today many more followers socially still means less engagement than before no matter if you have 2 thousand more followers the overload means the click through rate CTR is actually lower. 

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Guest — Emre Can
Great work bro......its really helping and impacting to society.
Monday, 17 September 2018 17:36
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C is for Canonical - What does it mean?

C is for Canonical - What does it mean in context of google, seo and ranking

Crawlers are busy at work! They are like the un-dead of the night working hard while you sleep in your bed. Google for example crawls pretty much the www with high intensity! It wants to know what is being served globally on-line, this is google's business and its dominant USP in the world. It is why it is so powerful and provides the world with the best search (if loosing some ground of late IMO see duckduckgo).

How Search Engine Crawlers Work

Google sends automated scripts to achieve this task and they find your site and go to work trying to find every single SERVED page on your domain. This sometimes results in ghost like pages which as a user you might be able to see and experience but at times the web pages the google crawler finds are just bizarre! This can lead to duplicate content issues- a technical SEO task.

Consider the 2 url's and google here finds what they have to assume is DUPLICATE content pages diluting the quality of the original in this case home page. So how do you combat this? Google have devised a way that we can tell google what page we WANT to be the only page so that there is seemingly no duplicated content.

By the way don't leave it up to Google to decide and try to work out which page is the nominal one. Remove these url's with redirects if they exist.

The Proper Canonical Fix

Check the following syntax

<link href="" rel="canonical" />

As a webmaster insert this into a page to make a statement to reflect the desired CANONICAL relationship in this case we are saying that this page should be not considered look at the home page instead (at least as far as google are concerned). So this may apear in different pages. To you and anyone else they just seem like the same page. This code will be seen in all of them and it indicates which you desire Google to regard.

This for a CMS is no mean feat - for a small site it is easy the irony being for a small site this wont be an issue! So how do I get for example Joomla to solve canonical issues?

Preffered plugin -

Previously I recommended these guys however it seems that the docs page and maybe the plugin hasn't been updated this is why we removed the live link.

Install the free module and follow the instructions below:

WIP - please be patient as I play and send some good tips and tutorials for this awesome module.

Further reading:

Maybe here is a solution to this problem - untested by myself yet but looking ok and big clues.

Great Meta Tag (including canonical meta tag) generator for Joomla >> 

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