2 minutes reading time (320 words)

Using Letsencrypt to Make Your Website Secure [https]

Let's Encrypt

Thank goodness for Let's encrypt. Google is the monopoly on internet search maybe because Bill Gates is more interested in curing the world of Malaria. So much so is Google a monopoly it is running into issues we know it will get around because it's almost God. So why is LE GREAT? 

Google has publicly stated that websites using encryption (HTTP) will show more favourably in its results. This will be even moreso affected if those websites that have forms or logins are using plain HTTP.

So if you want your website to compete again you will need HTTPS which if you don't need it is an extra expense. There are some other benefits to HTTPS as in HTTP2 becomes available behind the scenes which helps speed the web up which is good because strictly speaking GZIP exposes a vulnerability if used with HTTPS2.

So HTTPS isn't just a switch. It is a mechanism that needs setting up on your server and for you to buy a license for the domain.

So that was the case before LETS ENCRYPT. Lets encrypt are making it possible for the low rent websites to now get HTTPS for free! That's right. When today it costs around 50 pounds to get a certificate per year this is a welcome utility.

Contact us if you would like to explore using Lets Encrypt.

I have just encrypted two of my NGINX/APACHE websites using Let's Encrypt with surprising ease. I post some example links that show the process depending on your server. These examples work for Ubuntu server. You may find many similarities to your server so they should still be useful.


Getting Started - Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS Certificates

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the non-profit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).
Fenland for Business Network Meeting
White Swan Conington


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