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U is for User Experience or User Interaction : UX, UI

This is a future glimpse at UX but in today's market we have to deal with quite remarkable advances in UI such as accelerometers in the iPhone or the pinch zoom which apple's competitors were slow to replicate. Indeed it is my belief that UX is what made Apple products better than the rest.

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A is for ACL : What does ACL mean ?

Within the contexts of the loose web ACL stands for Access Control Lists. 

Laymans Terms: You know like in facebook when you are logged in you can add things about yourself- well it knows how to store your photos as being yours due to ACL. It restricts your items to your groups you set, you set ACL for yourself.

More Technical: Consider that as a user of a website you may be using the site in different ways. Staff of a web company need to be logged in and verified against ACL's to allow them a set of privileges that customers might not have. For example Staff need to update price lists and customers certainly should not be able to do that.
if you are designing a website and need this kind of control consider very strongly employing the use of pre-written frameworks or CMS. This is not a light an easy subject to just enable on a basic website. The basic site we offer does come with built in ACL to unlimited customisable levels. 

Groups  Unlimited user-defined Groups
Users & Groups  A User can be assigned to multiple groups
Access Levels Unlimited user-defined Access Levels
Access Levels & Groups Groups are assigned to Access Levels. Any combination of Groups can be assigned to any Access Level.
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